I reccomend using MS Excel or similar software (import it as a delimited text file, where TAB is used to separate each information field, and be careful to save it as such), but Notepad can also get the job done.just remember to deactivate word wrap to make the file more readable. But worry not! It's nothing more than a simple text file and you can use anything that can open it to modify it. Sadly it's no longer found in the web (for now). It's called 'sfbspc13.txt' and you should find it in '(Game Directory)\Assets\Specs'. Starfleet Command is particularly sensitive to modification compared to future titles. Don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions to improve this guide.(As a general rule of thumb, don't set any filed to a value higher than 127, but be warned that some fileds may cause crashes with smaller values) Always back up any file you want to modify.
Make sure you know where the game was installed in your computer.